Not Surviving but Thriving

17 03 2009

I had a friend remark about some of my recent Facebook postings, saying that I’ve become a “spiritual poster”.  It felt like a back-handed compliment and I let it hurt my feelings – just a little bit.  Then I came to my senses.  There’s nothing wrong with being a “spiritual poster”. 

I’ve felt myself growing closer to God and closer to my family since we have moved to Greenville.  Part of that comes from not knowing a soul in town and having only God and your family for conversation!  I have to say – it’s been a reluctant growth but a good experience so far.  I feel myself hanging on to the old me – but when I really sit down and think about it, I wasn’t happy at all with who I had become.  Working 3 jobs, never home, overworked, underpaid, always stressed out and always tired.  That was me.  Who wants that………really?  I had no real time to dedicate to myself, my husband or our new son.  And I kept making the same choices that lead to the same results – I was not in a good place.  Add Chicago winters to the mix and it can be a lethal combination. 

I think God heard me.  He answered my prayers.

Since we’ve moved I’ve had a hard time adjusting to a different way of life.  I now stay at home with our son, for the time being – I may go back to work in the summer or fall, but just ONE job – and part time!  I now feel like I have time to help my family grow as God wants them to grow – and I’ve realized that I have time for God – I’m trying to make it a priority instead of trying to squeeze Him in.  After all – He’s the reason we’re here and if we don’t act on His behalf we’re not doing what is best for us and those around us.  My family and friends mean a lot to me and I want to act on God’s behalf and do what’s best for my family and my friends.  I can feel myself opening up and listen to God and what His plan is for me.  It’s a wonderful feeling.  I’m thriving – not just surviving anymore. 

Some days it can be hard to open up and I can feel myself sliding back into “Selfish Gina Mode” and I have to slow down and take a look at each of my blessings every day. 

Today’s blessings:

I woke up / so did my husband / so did my son / everyone’s healthy / I got to work out / I have a playdate today / new friends / awesome church family / Easter is coming / and the dog let my son pet him for 5 whole minutes….

Don’t just survive – THRIVE!





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